Why Travel?


I travel because I have the urge to explore, to discover the unknown, to learn. I travel because embarking on a journey is the best way to find mankind’s greatest achievements and the best way to find myself. I travel because I have a thirst for knowledge, a thirst for understanding where we came from and where we’re headed. I travel to learn: about ancient civilizations, modern marvels, and natural wonders. I travel to avoid repeating mankind’s past mistakes.

I travel because I’m lucky enough to call planet Earth my home; because I’m insignificant compared to the wonders this world has to offer. I travel to discover the unknown, to find the beaten path off the road, to immerse myself in a different culture, and to surround myself with magical sights and sounds. I travel to experience far off lands that seem worlds away from my hometown and to experience them with all 5 senses.

I travel to enrich myself with diversity, diversity that I might be lacking. I travel to taste colorful flavors and rich spices I never imagined existed. I travel to share stories with the locals, to meet hardworking and warm-hearted people. I travel to understand customs, traditions and religions that are foreign to me. I travel to learn to respect my peers and as such to promote tolerance.

I travel to jump out off my confort zone: to try something I’ve never done before, to conquer my fears, and to come home a little fatter, a little tanner, and a little wiser. I travel to appreciate what I’ve been blessed with, yet at the same time to admire what other cultures have accomplished. I travel to give back to my community: to give back by bringing back a little piece of my memories, a little piece of the world.

I travel to end up dazzled and blown-away. I travel because life is too short to stay within the four walls of my bedroom. I travel because there’s a whole planet out there waiting to share its secrets with the rest of us. I travel because I care: about our planet, about our peoples, about our cultures. Because I care about this little blue sphere we call home.

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